
Enton Biba LogoEnton Biba

Additional drives on OVH

Date: September 30th, 2017 OVHPublic CloudAdditional DrivesCloud HostingServer Storage


Partition and mount additional drive to an OVH public cloud vm server bash script.


We will be using an Ubuntu 16.04 OS Image and will have already installed "wget" with the following command:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wget

There are two types of additional disks that can be mounted on OVH Public Cloud servers.

  • Classic disk (starts with the letter s)
  • High Performance disk (starts with the letter v)

The third character of the drive name will alpha increment. For example if it's a high performance disk, the first additional drive will be called "vdb", the second "vdc", the third "vdd" and so on.

Step 1:

  • Create an additional drive from the ovh control panel
  • Attach the drive to a public cloud server
  • Connect via SSH into the server

Step 2:

  • Download the bash script from this repository to the public cloud server
  • Make the bash script executable

Classic Disk

cd /
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/entonbiba/ovh-public-cloud-additional-drive-bash-script/master/ovh_adpc_classic_disk.sh
chmod +x ovh_adpc_classic_disk.sh

High Performance Disk

cd /
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/entonbiba/ovh-public-cloud-additional-drive-bash-script/master/ovh_adpc_highperformance_disk.sh
chmod +x ovh_adpc_highperformance_disk.sh

Step 3:

  • Run the script

Classic Disk

sudo bash ovh_adpc_classic_disk.sh

High Performance Disk

sudo bash ovh_adpc_highperformance_disk.sh


You should now be able to use the additional drive from the mounted directory "/mnt/disk"
