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Enton Biba LogoEnton Biba

Fetch API

Date: December 21, 2018 Fetch APIAsyncJavascriptBlobHTTP
Fetch API

The Fetch API is a new JavaScript interface that allows editing parts of the HTTP requests and responses. It also supports fetching resources asynchronously by also allowing for custom credentials and headers to be specified. This functionality can also be achieved with XMLHttpRequest, however the Fetch API provides an easier way to be used with Service Workers.

Below you will find sample code on how to use the Fetch API with sample json data from waveform.al.  


  url: "https://www.waveform.al/sample.json",
  requestHeaders: [{
    header: {

function dofetch(options) {
    if (self.fetch) {
        const instance = function(message){
        instance.fireEvent = function(type,message,output){
        const fetchRequest = new Request(options.url);
        let fetchHeaders = new Headers();

        // check if headers
        if (options) {
            if (options.requestHeaders) {
                // add custom request headers
                options.requestHeaders.forEach(header => {
                    fetchHeaders.append(header.key, header.value);

        // set default fetch options
        const fetchOptions = {
            method: (options.method || "GET"),
            headers: fetchHeaders,
            mode: (options.mode || "cors"),
            credentials: (options.credentials || "same-origin"),
            cache: (options.cache || "default")

        // do the fetch
        fetch(fetchRequest,fetchOptions).then(function(response) {
          if (response.ok) {
            return response.blob();
          } else{
            instance.fireEvent('HTTP error status ', response.status)
        }).then(function(blobResponse) {        
            var objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blobResponse);
            instance.fireEvent('load', objectURL);
            instance.fireEvent('success', fetchRequest.response, objectURL);
        }).catch(function(error) {
            instance.fireEvent('error', error.message)

        // return the fetch
        instance.fetchRequest = fetchRequest;
        return instance;
    } else{
        instance.fireEvent('error', 'fetch api not supported');